network for “Rare malformation syndromes, intellectual and other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs)”

Supported by the Swiss Society of Medical Genetics, the collaborating five University-Centers for Medical Genetics/Genetic Medicine in Switzerland would like to expand their interdisciplinary network for rare diseases: Rare malformation syndromes, intellectual and other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs).

The application for recognition as a reference network will be submitted to the kosek beginning of next year. The network swissITHACA is closely related to and collaborating with the European Reference Network ERN ITHACA.

swissITHACA is coordinated by the core group of five university centers:

  • University Hospital Bern
  • Universitätsspital Basel/University Children’s Hospital Basel
  • Universität und Universitätsspital Zürich/Kinderspital Zürich/Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Zürich/Balgrist Zürich
  • HUG Genève
  • CHUV Lausanne

swissITHACA is a patient-centered network with the aim to improve highly specialized, multidisciplinary healthcare for patients with rare (multiple) malformation syndromes and rare intellectual and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

For further information, please contact:

And/or attend our next network meeting:
November 1st 14:00-16:00 in Bern University Hospital of Bern, Julie von Jenner aus (Kinderklinik), Freiburgstrasse 15, room A523 and hybrid

To register for attendance in presence or online, please send an email to:

Multidisciplinary Fetal Diagnostics Winter School – apply now!

EuroNDD workshop in Lisbon, 4-5 April 2024, call for abstracts now open: