SSMG Annual Meeting 2025

10. & 11. April 2025 in Zurich
University Hospital of Zurich, Lecture Hall East B10

Program in progress

Conference committee

Prof. Dr. med. Rauch Anita, University of Zurich

Reviewing committee

Prof. Dr. med. Abramowicz Marc, University and University Hospital of Geneva
Prof. Dr. med. Antonarakis Stylianos, University of Geneva
Prof. Dr. med. Bachmann Ruxandra, University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Berger Wolfgang, University Hospital of Zurich
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Cichon Sven, University Hospital Basel and University of Basel
Dr. rer. nat. Hoffmann Per, University Hospital of Basel
Dr. Koller Samuel, University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. med. Rauch Anita, University of Zurich
PD Dr. phil. nat. Schaller André, University Hospital of Bern
Prof. Dr. med. Superti-Furga Andrea, Genetica Lausanne
Prof. Dr. med. Unger Sheila, Genetica Lausanne
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Zweier Christiane, University Hospital of Bern

Award Swiss Young Investigator 2025

First Call for Abstract is planned for December 2024.

Winner of the Young Investigator Day: 500 CHF
Runner-up of the Young Investigator Day: 300 CHF